Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship








Legal Exploitation of the innocent cannot stand in a Democracy


Advocating for common sense reform

The Guardianship Industry


Our Agenda



About Us

Watch our testimony in Tallahassee

We must reform the Guardianship process and the laws that govern it. Our goals are to:

  1. Assure that complete constitutional due process is afforded to all potential victims and families before an innocent person is stripped of their civil rights and isolated from family

2. Reform the process that evaluates and determines “incapacity” by upgrading examiner qualifications, performance, transparency and accountability

3.  Assure transparency in Guardianship fees, records, estate administration and communication, especially with family members

4. Work with the Supreme Court administratively to establish effective monitoring and reporting systems to identify deviations from the intent of the Statute

5. Support efforts to espose exploitation of the Elderly and make it a felony